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Indonesia is one of the developing countries. This is in line with the fact that Indonesia is currently active in the stage of development that occurs in almost all aspects, social, political, economic and cultural. One of the industries that is currently developing is the construction industry. Actually the construction industry in Indonesia has been developing for a long time, namely since the colonial era. During the colonial period, the Indonesian people constructed railroads and several other buildings, including several temples which became historical buildings in Indonesia. Construction continued even after Indonesia’s independence. For example, the rapid development of tall buildings and transportation facilities that you often see in several locations. In short, Indonesia’s progress can be seen directly through the industrial sector. In addition, from an economic perspective, the industrial sector has economic value and an important position every year. This will also be discussed further in this article.
The large number of infrastructure developments encourages contractors, consultants and project owners to continue to innovate, creating efficient and effective construction completion times, construction costs, human resources and project quality. Overall construction work includes a series of activity planning, implementation and supervision of civil, mechanical, electrical and architectural works. Construction services are part of the construction work which includes the construction of buildings, houses, bridges, transportation facilities and infrastructure, irrigation, water treatment, electric power centers and others.
As mentioned earlier, construction services play an important role in Indonesia’s development. This is evidenced by the rate of development of the contracting industry in recent years showing a significant increase. With the construction services, the implementation of the construction of national facilities and infrastructure will be greatly assisted. The construction industry also plays a significant role as a contributor to GDP (gross domestic product). In addition, the construction industry also utilizes a large number of workers, both unskilled, skilled and highly skilled workers. This will automatically create jobs. So do not be surprised if in the future construction services are the sector that plays the most active role in development because it has an important role in producing final products in the form of buildings or other forms which are included in the facilities and infrastructure that support growth and development in the economic, social and cultural fields.
The business network in the world of construction is very wide so that construction is touted as one of the highly competitive sectors in Indonesia. This can be seen from the data obtained in 2018 in terms of construction, which was marked by 64% of civil projects, while 36% of building development projects. This has two impacts, namely supporting global industrial competitiveness and increasing global competitiveness.
But behind the success of the construction industry in Indonesia’s development, the smooth running of the entire development process is an important thing to pay attention to in order for development to be successful. The suitability of time, cost and quality of a construction project are several factors that influence the successful implementation of a construction project. In addition, there are several problems that are common challenges in the construction sector, including:
- Construction industry productivity
Construction is one sector that will continue to experience changes. For this reason, related parties must be able to anticipate future changes. Some of them are globalization, the use of the latest technology, the development of a professional workforce. Not to mention the internal problems related to productivity that occur internally such as the low quality of contractor work which leads to construction failure or construction delays.
- Certification
Certification is given as evidence of recognition of skills. Currently, certification has an important role in almost all fields. Indeed, construction projects create jobs for many people. But the problem is, not everyone is really skilled. This will be a problem if one day construction workers are required to have a certificate in order to be recognized and can take part in construction projects. In the construction sector, the certificates that must be owned are Business Entity Certificates and Professional Certificates of Work Skills/Skills for workers.
- Environmental safety
Talking about the environment, the construction industry is a consumer of raw materials that involve carbon emissions which are not very environmentally friendly. This is a challenge because if this continues, a bad environmental future lies in the hands of the construction industry. Therefore, planning is needed in creating an environmentally friendly construction industry by reducing energy consumption that causes pollution and environmental damage.
- Internal issues
Construction projects don’t always go as smoothly as planned. The possibility of problems in its implementation certainly exists. For example, lack of communication and coordination, planning, issues with one of the related parties and many more. Therefore the parties involved such as project owners, consultants and contractors must work together
The conclusion that can be drawn is, it is true that the construction industry has an important contribution to Indonesia’s development. For the sake of a good future for Indonesian construction, the construction sector is expected to be able to compete and continue to grow and contribute to national development by means of developing quality, timely and efficient construction services which is a top priority that must be considered for the future of construction in Indonesia. Indeed, the construction industry in Indonesia is still far from what is expected when viewed from the complexity of the problems in the industrial world. There are still many construction companies out there whose background and abilities are still questionable. This can trigger obstacles in its implementation. In the future, the government and parties involved in construction are expected to be able to carry out problem identification and problem solving by reviewing the obstacles faced and providing solutions and planning for the future.
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